Leadership BioPresence Diagnostics

Leadership BioPresence (LBP) is a suite of diagnostic tools based on our Leadership Biodynamics framework. LBP helps leaders optimize the behavioral signals that prompt others to enlist, subscribe, buy, join, or otherwise commit. Our LBP is a groundbreaking biological approach to what is sometimes referred to as “executive presence.” Rooted in the biology of behavior, our LBP tools empower you to understand and fine tune the behavioral signals, or biomarkers, you send that influence others – your team, your clients, your partners. Our research has identified 18 of these biomarkers and our LBP diagnostics will provide you new insights related to these 18 data points.
Leadership BioPresence Self-Assessment, The LBP is a self-assessment diagnostic tool used to evaluate an individual’s biopresence. This online assessment that takes just a few minutes to complete and participants are provided with a detailed personalized report with valuable insights about their strengths and areas of improvement.

Leadership BioPresence 360, The LBP noted above, is a self-assessment. Many participants opt also for our LBP 360, which includes a feedback assessment allowing you to compare and contrast the signals you think you are sending with the signals others are actually receiving. This is also done through our online platform. LBP 360 you ask 3-5 individuals to complete an LBP feedback assessment. We encourage you to identify a range of people to provide this feedback. Many select someone above them in their organization (i.e. a supervisor or board member), below them (i.e, a direct report), and then a peer.
The 360 assessments responses are averages so the participant will not know who rated them how. We’ll also communicate that to those providing feedback so they will feel comfortable providing honest and candid feedback. We’ll then analyze the data from both the self-assessment and the feedback assessments to provide you with a personalized report that includes both the self assessment and feedback results, offering a more complete picture of your Leadership BioPresence profile. If you are interested in learning more about our Leadership BioPresence Tools, connect with us here.