Partnership with the Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program
We are so excited to announce that in 2021 we will be partnering with the Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program to offer leadership and communication training to program participants.
The Borlaug Fellowship promotes food security and economic growth by providing training and collaborative research opportunities to fellows from developing and middle-income countries. Borlaug fellows are generally scientists, researchers, or policymakers who are in the early or middle stages of their careers.

The Borlaug Fellowship Program honors Norman E. Borlaug, the American agronomist, humanitarian and Nobel laureate known as the “father of the Green Revolution.” Since the program’s inception in 2004, approximately 800 fellows from 64 countries have participated in research and training focused on a wide array of agriculture-related topics, including agronomy, veterinary science, nutrition, food safety, sanitary and phytosanitary issues, natural resource management, agricultural biotechnology, agricultural economics, and agricultural policy.
The leadership and communication training we are delivering will be focused on helping fellows better communicate the research they conduct to policy makers in their respective countries and to design and guide the complex collaborations that will be needed to implement science-based agricultural policies.
Scott will be supporting this work as part of his teaching and engagement responsibilities at Purdue. He will be incorporating content from the Agile Leadership and CommPlexity programs.
The Agile Leadership program focuses in the ten skills that lie behind a leader’s ability to effectively design and guide complex collaborations toward shared outcomes. You can learn more about Agile Leadership here.

CommPlexity: Communicating Complex Ideas is a series of workshops that equips leaders to clearly communicate complex issues and their ideas, solutions, and strategies for addressing them. CommPlexity is especially helpful for scientists, engineers, technologists, public policy professionals. and others who work in complex fields. You can learn more about CommPlexity here.