Executive Presence 2023 (so far!) Evaluations and Testimonials

It has been a busy 2023 and it’s not over yet. Much of what’s been keeping us busy is our Executive Presence training. By the end of this calendar year, we will have delivered the training onsite to 14 different organizations working with nearly 150 different leaders! Here’s some of the feedback we’ve received from participants and organizers.
Data from Feedback Forms Have Told Us: These participant evaluations are blowing us away: engaging, interactive, relevant actionable!

What the Participants Have Had to Say: Here’s what just a few of the participants have had to say.

What the Organizers Have Shared with Us: The organizers have been pleased as well. Here are some of what they’ve shared with us.

We would love to talk with you about how Executive Presence might add value to your organization in 2024 and beyond. Please use the form below to let us know!