IDE Business Summit

If you have arrived here that means you attended the IDE Business Summit and you are looking for some of resources mentioned in my talk about “Dream Teams.”

Strategic Doing Poster: If you are interested in getting a free copy of the 11×17 poster with the 4 Questions and 10 Rules of Strategic Doing. This poster is normally $5 but you can use the coupon code IDESUMMIT to get it for free. To get your poster, click here.

AEM-Cube Assessment: If you are interested in takin the AEM-Cube Assessment at no-cost, here is a bit more about it. The AEM-Cube is a strategic assessment tool that allows individuals to find out where their strengths and talents naturally lie in order to contribute to growth, innovation, and strategic change and transformatjon. The tool provides insight into a person’s individual growth potential, leadership style and role within their organization. This assessment not only helps with personal development, but also with collaborations and making career choices. It defines your strength and talent in contributing to change and growth, supports your way of communicating and reveals where you make a valuable contributions. Provide us with your contact information and we will send you the details you need to access the assessment. Here is the link.

Leadership BioDynamics. If you are curious about how our Leadership BioDynamics training can help you better leverage the three biodynamic channels and the 18 behavioral biomarkers to connect more authentically and communicate more effectively with your team, customers, or partners you can learn more here.

The Quality of Interaction (Qi) Index. If you want to leverage the biology of behavior to help your team perform at a higher level, you can learn more about how we use the Qi Index here.

BioCurve Analytics. Perhaps you are interested in the insights you can gain about where your organization is on its current BioCurve. If so, you can learn more here.

Strategic Doing: If you are curious about Strategic Doing as an operating system (OS) for organizational and ecosystem design and transformation, you can learn more about Strategic Doing as a Service here or Strategic Doing Practitioner training here.

LinkedIn: I would also love to connect with you on Linked in. You can find me here.

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